Thursday 2 January 2014

why blog?

So when I made the decision to stop school I started thinking about what I’d be able to do with all my free time. I should add that in the last year or so I’ve had some other major changes. In October 2012 I became single again and moved into my sister basement for the second time in my adult life (My brother in law deserves a medal). In June 2013 I moved into my own apartment.  When I moved into my apartment I was excited for a fresh start…I felt like life was getting back on track. I had a great summer. I didn’t take any holidays or go far but I spent some time with friends and family, I started dating again and prepared for starting school part time in the fall. (We know how that wentJ)

When I finally made the decision to stop school I knew I wanted to make it worth it. Although I know it was the right decision and have felt good about it I'll admit that when my 3 colleagues who started with me finish in a year or so I’m worried that I’ll think- “If I had of kept with it I’d be done too.”  I want to make sure I spend the next year and a bit doing things I have been saying I’m going to do for some time. So I started a list. 30 things to do before I turn 30.  (about a year and a half away)

The blog is for a few reasons…

11.  It will be fun to document the year for myself and for friends and family. I’ve always enjoyed writing although have never done it on any kind of serious basis and I think it will be fun to do a blog.
22.   I’m hoping it will keep me a bit accountable. I think it is so easy to say you want to do something and never actually get around to doing it. Some of the things on the list are simple things…other are a one time thing, other will be a bit of a journey to the end result….but whatever they are, it’s my hope that by blogging and putting the list out there I’ll be more inclined to put in the effort and make it happen.
33. Last…I’m hoping to connect with friends and family that can help me accomplish the list. Anyone who reads this and is interested in joining me in any one or more items of the list…please let me know. There are a lot of things that could be that much more fun with my friends and family by my side.

Soon I will post the list… Please no judgment- it’s my list...


  1. Lol can't wait to see this list Beckie! Did you have any trouble coming up with 30 things? Still looking for suggestions?

    Jenn T

  2. Have fun Beckie... blogging is a great hobby!


  3. I wish I could have been there for you more when you were making the decision to leave your masters program - I will be here to support you on this list though! Can't wait to see it - maybe I can steal some ideas :-)

  4. I agree with Jen-you'll have fun! And sorry I've judged your list :) it was fun coming up with ideas though-can't wait to do some of them with you!
